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Who Are You & Should I Even Care??

Well, honestly...
That decision is yours
bUT, I did write down some good points on why it's a good idea..
To make a long story short...
I record all the songs myself, make a lot of my own beats, mix & master my music, print all the merch in my garage (aka "HQ" as I like to call it... ), manage all the marketing and literally the list goes on.
It might sound kind of hard but it's really not at all when my love for creating music is literally the driving force behind everything.

The only reason I "D.I.Y." is because I literally cannot wait on people and thankfully over the years I built some skills.
It might sound kind of hard but it's not because my love for creating is literally the driving force behind everything. The only reason I "D.I.Y." is because I literally HAD TO...and thankfully over the years I've built some skills.
Sure, I’m gonna hit you with dope flows, 808s, cool hooks, so technically, business as usual for you.
However, you might notice that the VIBES are feeling a lil’ different.
  • CHANGE OF PACE #1: The COOLEST of people listen to Page Turner, have you noticed?
  • CHANGE OF PACE #2: Music based on true events! UNHEARD OF in rap music! 😂
  • CHANGE OF PACE #3: I do songs with my friends, but my friends are super talented too.😎
  • ​CHANGE OF PACE #4: My concerts aren't "Karaoke"! We got beats to play and mics to rock!
Here’s the part where I yell “WE OUTSIDE!” & I show you what I’m up to behind the scenes.
Remember I said I produce too?
I’ve made music with Afroman, GT Garza, Sir Mix A Lot and recently worked with Kap G who I discovered from a Pharrell song. 

You might’ve seen me in Baby Bash video for “FRESH” which I produced and my DJ wrote the hook for!

Here's a quote directly from Adam22 from NoJumper after vibin' HARD to "Back To My Old Ways" (even quoted some bars)

"Page Turner... that's funny...actually, that's genius"

A ton of my close friends are doing really big things in music too but you'll learn about them as you get to know me :)
Imagine you discovered Jay-Z before everyone else?


I’m saying, my team and myself are in full belief that what we are doing is going to shake the world and break barriers in music.
Not only do I need you to join us, but I genuinely want you to be a part of our journey.

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The Book Club LLC d/b/a Page Turner